Your car requires a lot, so we offer even more.
From oil changes and tune-ups to full body repair, detailing to winterizing, The Little Garage performs every service with your needs in mind. It’s a long list - but someone has to do it. Scroll down to learn more about each service we offer.
We have learned it takes a team effort to achieve the highest possible level of customer satisfaction. The Little Garage has strived since 1974 to become a leading independent automotive specialty shop in the New York metropolitan area.
Ready to get started?
You need it, we got it. From A to Z, we cover it all. Air Conditioning, ABS Service, Audio Systems, Auto Body Restoration, Belts, Brakes, Cooling Systems, Detailing, Diagnostics, Electrical Systems, Exhaust Systems, Exterior Lights, Fuel Systems, Glass Replacement, Lubrication Service, NYS Inspection, Oil, Lube, and Filters, Parts Department, Precision Welding, Program Tests, Rebuilds, Road Test, Software Download, Suspension, Tires, Rims, and Wheels, Transmission Repairs, Tune-ups, Upholstering, Winterizing.
Want to know what it all means? Click below for a list of service descriptions.